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10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings

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Finance can be something that is not so simple to understand. After all, this science did not emerge now and carries with it more than 10 peculiar financial terms and their meanings .

Of course, many of these terms are commonly used in everyday life, so their meanings end up being revealed. On the other hand, there is much more to them than what is frequently talked about on TV or the internet. Therefore, if you are interested in this area, you will need to pay some attention.

Check out 10 peculiar financial terms and their meanings

In fact, it is always good to be connected to the market. Understanding basic concepts will give you an idea of ​​what is happening in the world and how it can impact your day-to-day life.

Thinking about exactly what you want to know about 10 peculiar financial terms and their meanings , today we are going to bring you this article. By the end, you will know a little more about these basic concepts.

1- Inflation

The term inflation is certainly used in many places. We decided to include it as the first of the 10 peculiar financial terms and their meanings because it allows us to gain a greater understanding of the others. Inflation is nothing more than the variation in goods and services.

This variation occurs over a period of time and can be measured using different indexes. Here in Brazil, we have the Broad Consumer Price Index. It provides a complete overview of possible price increases and decreases that may occur over time.

2- Selic rate

Not everyone knows how this works or has even heard of it. It is certainly a highly relevant index in the current financial market, but what does it represent for you?

Well, the acronym stands for: Special Settlement and Custody System. It works as a financing rate in the exchange market for transactions that were carried out on that same day. Government bonds are sold based on this value.

Therefore, if you want to make your investments, you must always pay attention to the value of this rate. Study the 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings carefully to understand it even more.

3- Loan

Well, although we consider this one of the 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings , you must already be familiar with it. Of course, a loan taken out by an individual is different from one taken out by a private company or even the government. This changes a lot.

Loans are also synonymous with debt. From the moment you take out one, you will have to deal with paying it back. This will also come with fees and installments that vary depending on the situation. 

Another important point to mention is that a person who has paid off their loan late or has not paid it at all will have a hard time getting new loans. So it is important to know how much you can spend.

4- Special check

We decided to talk about this because overdraft is a delicate type of loan. Among the 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings , this is perhaps the most dangerous for you. It does not work like a regular loan and the financial institution can simply approve it.

It will remain in your checking account for easy use. When you have no balance in your account, you will start using it and, in some cases, you may not even realize it. This ends up generating a huge debt for some people.

Keep your eyes peeled for this type of credit. If you don’t want it, you can ask the institution to withdraw it, avoiding interest and fines.

5- Liquidity

For those who love investing, liquidity is actually one of the 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings that are most important. After all, it is what completely transforms an investment. 

Liquidity refers to the speed at which an asset is converted into cash. For example, if you invest in a real estate fund that offers daily liquidity, it means that you will be able to withdraw your money the next day if you wish. 

Other types of investments require much more time. This can be a good thing because it increases the amount of money you can withdraw, but it can also be seen as a negative thing because you can suffer huge losses because you can’t withdraw your money.

6- Pix

Until recently, the Brazilian payment system was entirely carried out through TEDs or DOCs. However, today we can count on PIX, which in the payments area has become one of the 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings most talked about.

After all, it’s something that many people already want. Pay your bills quickly and with little effort, as well as carry out transactions at the same time. You can even get discounts using this method.

Pix is, in short, a fast payment system. You can send money instantly. This was certainly revolutionary. 

7- Provisioned balance

The provisioned balance is a way that large financial institutions have to guarantee the payment of debts. If you receive a salary at the bank where you took out a loan, for example, the bank can take part of that amount to pay off your debt.

In a way, your balance is blocked. This is very common in some types of loans, but not all of them have this. So it’s worth checking to be sure. This way, you’ll know everything about the 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Most Important Meanings .

8- Profitability

Profitability is another term closely linked to investments. However, it can also be applied to other areas, since it basically represents an extra value that you obtained from a certain action. Basically, how much you earned for a certain action or money invested.

Yes, the investment made can also be in time. How much you earn from this already says everything about these values. 

It is important to check your profitability so that you do not feel like you are losing money. Ensure this by taking a closer look at the 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings .

9- Investment

Investments are nothing new. Speaking of the 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings, we can see that there are several that relate to it. The liquidity we mentioned above and profitability are examples of this. On the other hand, investing goes far beyond that.

You can think of it in many ways. Money invested in education, building a house, or even purchasing assets. As long as you are putting money into something expecting a return, it can be considered an investment.

But also remember to know the other 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings related to investments. This way you can make one with greater ease and responsibility.

10- Chargeback

Chargebacks are also well-known in the financial world because they are a useful tool for different types of people. Therefore, among the 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings , this is the most important for those who like to spend a lot.

A refund is the return of your money for purchases. If a product arrives incorrectly or is delivered late, you can request a refund. The store is obliged to refund you within a certain period of time.

In this case, it doesn’t matter if it’s an online or physical store, it’s essential to carry out this process. Something that is fully provided for by law and can help some people. The 10 Peculiar Financial Terms and Their Meanings can be very useful in different situations, as you can see.

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  • Rodney Smith

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