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7 daily attitudes to increase your credit score

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To get a credit card, have a higher limit, take out loans and even financing, you need to have a good score.

This is because it reflects on the consumer’s financial life and their habits at the time of payment, in addition to the fact that it is this that will influence the moment of credit authorization. However, to have a positive score you need to be patient, as it takes time. 

Therefore, many people are interested in finding a way to increase their score. But after all, do you know what a score is? Do you want to know how you can increase your credit score? Then keep reading until the end.

What is score? 

The score is a count of points that goes from 0 to 1000 and is related to the CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry), this calculation is made through your financial conduct, that is, when you have accounts in your name. 

From this, financial institutions will evaluate you through your CPF and based on this score, the company will determine whether to make a credit offer available to you, as they need to know what the risks are and how you behave in relation to your finances, and this is done through this point count, which is done as follows: 

  • 0 to 300 points: low score (means little chance of getting credit.)
  • 301 to 500: regular score (meaning you will have a low chance of getting credit)
  • 501 to 700: good score (you will have a good chance of getting credit)
  • 701 to 1000 points: very good score (high chances of getting credit)

The score analyzes the bills paid, those that are overdue, whether your name is on the negative list or if you have ever been in default, checks your requests for credit, loans and whether you have paid off any outstanding debt correctly. 

The fact that you do not have any accounts in your name, pay bills late, ask for an increase in your credit limit too frequently or apply for too many credit cards, causes your score to drop, so it is necessary to change this behavior in order to have a good score. 

For financial institutions, the closer your score is to zero, the greater the chance that you will not make a payment or leave an invoice overdue, that is, this is seen as something negative, just as the closer your score is to a thousand, the greater the chances that you will be a good payer and the greater the chances that these companies will offer you credit. 

What are the 7 daily attitudes to increase your credit score? 

Having the habit of monitoring your score points and increasing your score, as well as following some of the tips below, can help you achieve a good score. 

  1. Negotiate your debts

If your name is negative, your score may be zeroed and this is not a good sign, for this reason, one of the first things to do is to contact the financial institution so that you can pay off this debt in the best way possible and another tip is that you do not fail to pay the installments of this negotiation. 

  1. Pay your bills on time

Paying your bills on time will ensure a good score, so if you can, try to set up automatic debit payments so that you don’t forget and have a good payment history.

  1. Have a clean name 

Being in default causes you to lose points on your score, so it is important that in addition to paying your bills on time, you seek to negotiate your overdue invoices as soon as possible. 

  1. Keep data up to date

Keeping your registration details up to date, such as address, marital status, telephone number, monthly income, among others, makes you more trustworthy to companies, because they will have a lot of information about you, so always remember to change it if there is any change in this information.

  1. Have accounts in your name

Having bills in your name, such as water, electricity, telephone, etc., is seen as a positive thing, as it means you are taking on the responsibility of paying them every month. If you are over 18, try to have a bill in your name if you want to get a credit card. 

  1. Not having multiple credit cards

Having too many credit cards or asking for a credit limit increase too often can cause your score to drop, as companies do not see this correctly. The right thing to do is wait for your bank to determine a new credit limit increase or a new credit card. 

  1. Financial control 

Having good financial control is important, because this way you manage your money better, know your income better, your monthly expenses and what can be done to have an extra amount left at the end of the month, so always try to plan. 

Which companies evaluate credit scores?

Financial institutions in various areas such as banks, commerce, cable television, telephone companies, among others that provide credit to their customers. 

How do I check my score? 

To check your score, simply access the Serasa website or download the app on your cell phone (available for Android and IOS ). The service is completely free and you can access it as many times as you want. Just enter your CPF and you will be able to check your score. 

Myths about the score 

There are some stories about increasing your score that some people believe to be true, such as: transfers made via Pix, clearing your Serasa history, CPF on your invoice, companies or apps that increase your credit score, among others.

None of this is real and if you receive any offers from companies stating that paying them will increase your score, do not accept them and always be alert, as this does not exist.

The only way you can increase your credit score is by following the following tips and always remembering to pay your bills on time. 

Having these attitudes in your daily life will allow you to increase your credit score and thus be able to enjoy a higher limit on your card, take out loans, finance your car, house, among many other benefits, in addition to having good control over your money by planning in the best way and still having the profile of a good payer seen by financial institutions.


  • Rodney Smith

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